Ledford's Little Slice of Internet Heaven

Addison Updates!

Wonder how little baby Addie is doing? Look no further! She just turned three months old and is still tiny. She recently weighed in at 10 lbs, 5 oz., officially making her a "bagel" baby!

Here's how she looked a month ago, compared with today... (scroll over the image to change it!)


Isn't she getting big? If you'd like to see more photos of my beautiful daughter, take a look at our PhotoBucket slideshow!

(If it isn't working out for you, click here to go to the PhotoBucket site itself!)

If you'd like a personalized messsage from your favorite baby, enter your name in the field and click the button!

If you would like to send us a message to set up an opportunity to meet this wee bonny lass in person, input your email here and we'll be in contact. As in, "don't call us, we'll call you."

Be sure to check back on May 24th for a 5-month update!

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