Assignment III: Are you a "Trekkie" or a "Warsie?"


The battle between the Star Wars and Star Trek universes is as timeless and classic as these storied franchises themselves. Use the scale below to evaluate your preferences when it comes to science fiction.

Choose "SA" for "Strongly Agree," "A" for "Agree," "D" for "Disagree," "SD" for "Strongly disagree," or "N" for "No Opinion".

  1 2 3 4 5
1. You prefer for your robots to resemble humans and attempt to gain emotions. N SD D A SA
2. You are bothered by language barriers between species. N SD D A SA
3. You are an avid fan of wearing Spandex. N SD D A SA
4. Scientific curiosity is a strong motivating factor for you. N SD D A SA
5. You embrace the idea of interspecies mating. N SD D A SA
Do you prefer a madman with a box to either one of these franchises?


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